Cutthroat Anglers Kid's Camp Summer 2020

Greetings from the Cutthroat Kids Camp!  I’m guide Mike Wallace and I’ll be joining guide Cam Carlson, along with other knowledgeable fly fishers from our shop to introduce future generations to the wonders of fly fishing.  New this year to our Adventures line-up, the Cutthroat Kids Camp is designed for young ladies and gentlemen ages 10-14 years.
We’ll go on a 4-day journey into the world of fly fishing, its winding rivers and learn about the trout that swim in them.  We’ll learn the mechanics of how the fly rod, reel, line, leader and tippet works together in elegant casts.  While safely wading the rivers, we’ll learn how to locate trout and what flies are used to catch them.
We’ve teamed up with Trout Unlimited to spend some time learning about conservation efforts and strategies.  The importance of preserving these magical places will be emphasized through fieldwork with a TU biologist.  
No discussion about fly fishing would be complete without delving into the fascinating field of entomology and looking at the abundant food supply in our rivers.  Trout feed on a myriad of bugs and to catch them, we need to recognize what they are eating at certain times.  We’ll look at the actual bugs in the river then compare what we see to our fly boxes.  And we won’t stop there, one afternoon will be spent at the vice learning to tie a few patterns.  Nothing compares to the joy of catching a fish on a personally tied fly.
This is essentially our 4 day guide clinic customized for the upcoming fly fishing generations.  Cam and I, along with our staff, would be honored to introduce your aspiring fly fisherwoman or fisherman to a lifetime of enjoying rivers and the trout that inhabit them.
For more details visit our Cutthroat Kids page.  Also feel free to call the shop at 970-262-2878 or email Reed Ryan, our lead guide at

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