Luke Edwards

Luke grew up near the beach on the Connecticut shoreline. He has been obsessed with fishing ever since he could walk. Some of Luke’s earliest fishing memories are traveling offshore with his father in pursuit of pelagic species. After catching more stripers and bluefish than he could count, Luke moved to Colorado to attend college. After college Luke moved up to the mountains where he began his career as a guide and has been after it ever since.
Hometown: Madison, CT
Favorite local fishing spot: Eagle river
Favorite line reel rod: Gloomis imx pro, Ross Animas, SA amplitude infinity.
Destinations fished: Wyoming, Nevada, Alaska, Patagonia, Martha’s Vineyard, Mexico, Bahamas, Long Island sound.
Favorite species: Brown trout, Pike, Lake trout, Stripped bass
When I’m not fishing: Thinking about my next big fish to chase. Skiing and golfing.
Favorite technique: Spending time throwing streamers for difficult fish.
I love to fish Colorado: Because of its diversity of water. You always have options.