Employee Feature: Tim Joyce
Q: Where are ya from? Tell me about your upbringing?
A: I was born and raised in Vienna, WV. Youngest of four boys and my parents were both school teachers. I’m the youngest of the 4. We spent as much time as we could on the playing fields or on the river. Dad was in to fishing and always took us outdoors with him.
Q: When did you start working for Cutthroat Anglers? How did that come about?
A: I left the corporate world in July, 2015 and went to hunting and fishing guide school in Montana that fall. I went to Cutthroat’s guide school the fall of 2016 and Mitch offered me a job shortly after. I’ve been here ever since.

Q: What got you in to all of the outdoors recreation. Hunting and fishing?
A: It was a family thing with my dad, brothers, and my dad’s best friend. Professionally, it was always a dream. When the corporate world and I parted ways, I was in a great position to take the leap and pursue a dream.

Q: What do you prefer? Hunting or fishing? Do you think there are a lot of similarities?
A: Hunting. I do it for the meat and a means to survive. Personally, I feel its more challenging to take an animal vs catching a fish. You are also more isolated hunting than fishing most of the time. The easiest way to sum it up is I would be suicidal if I could never hunt again. I would simply be miserable if I stopped fishing.
Extremely similar. I consider fly fishing a form of hunting but not to kill. There is a spot and stalk aspect to it. You have to be quite and sneaky. If you come up to the water too fast, every fish runs out of the hole. There is a peacefulness to being outdoors in nature.
Q: Tell us about your hunting business?
A: 100% fair chase public land hunts in Colorado and Wyoming. Primarily focusing on elk, mule deer, and antelope. I bought my business in March of 2016. Its going great and business is getting better every year. Our success rate has gotten better and we have expanded our property Wyoming and our offering with small game, waterfowl and cayote this year. Almostheavenadventure.com

Q: Favorite type of fishing in Colorado?
A: Streamer fishing for big browns.
Q: Anything you want to add?
A: A perfect world for me is to fish 125 of 140 days a year and get ready for hunting season. Then go back to West Virginia every year to hunt with my brothers.
Tim guides for us full time during the busy season. Give the shop a call at 970-262-2878 to book a trip with Mr. Joyce.
Thanks for Listening,
Ben McCormick