Fishpond Black Canyon Backpack :: Cutthroat Anglers
Summer in the Rockies means that high elevation lakes thaw and open up for what can be very memorable fishing with few crowds. Two of J.B.’s favorite spots are Mohawk Lake #5 and Chihuahua Lake, but both of these spots are situated above 12,000 feet. That means having to take along extra items that might not be part of your everyday fishing repertoire’……extra clothing for layering, extra water, extra outerwear, and the like.
J.B. has transitioned to sling packs for his everyday fishing, but those really don’t get the job done well when trekking off to higher venues. So, he gave Fishpond’s Black Canyon backpack a try on a recent trip to Mohawk Lakes with Tillie, pictured here. Here’s what he had to say:
“Like most of Fishpond’s products, this backpack has some very cool, innovative features for the angler. First, it is light and extremely comfortable with its mesh back and firm yet comfortable shoulder and hip straps. Its simple design includes a large, main compartment that is perfect for stashing raincoats and bulky items and two external pockets that allow easy access to fishing tackle – you don’t have to dig thru a big compartment. I had my reel attached to my rod and simply slipped it into a secure, dedicated side ‘pocket’ that has a twist: There is a special zipper extension that provides a little extra length to keep your rig secure. I go through a ton of water when I do hikes at higher elevations and the ability to incorporate a hydration bladder into the pack is great. The pack is compatible with Fishpond’s Savage Creek Chest Pack just in case you need to bring more than what you might really need (most of the time I just have a few parachute Adams for those native cutthroats). Add what Fishpond calls “water resistant” zippers and fabric and this pack becomes a good match for those periodic rainstorms. I think is is especially cool that Fishpond has used its Cyclopond fabric for the pack that originates from recycled fish net. Finally, the pack comes with what I would call a “decent” waist strap, rather than one of those skinny, twisty things you occasionally come across.
The pack has a total volume of about 1434 cubic inches or about 23.5 liters. It retails for $179.95, which compares favorably with other backpack manufacturer offerings but has some special features that should be appreciated by anglers.”