Get Ready for 2018 Spring Guide School
Our spring guide school is just around the corner and we only have a few spots left. Put a smile on your face from Sunday, April 29th through Saturday, May 5th. You will learn, laugh, and fish the week away. That doesn't sound like the school we remember!
Be one of only 6 students who will be enjoying a full week of spring hatches and hungry fish, all the while learning to row a raft down the Colorado River, the Roaring Fork River and the Arkansas River (water levels permitting). We expect to experience excellent nymphing all week and are likely to see some of the best dry fly fishing of the season.
Don't get us wrong, this is a tough week of long days and ups and downs on the oars. But each day you will be taught more than you can remember.....but you'll remember more than enough! You will develop rowing skills to tackle many of Colorado's best float fishing stretches. Although we mostly fish from a boat, we do spend time working on our wade fishing game. Throughout the week, you will fine tune your fishing skills, learn and understand fly selection, and acquire fish behavior insights that will easily translate into your future wade fishing experiences. And, in the interest of full disclosure, you will likely end the week haunting Craigslist and social media sites, as well as calling friends (and friends of friends), looking for an affordable boat.
We have been teaching this school for over 10 years. Over the years we have had students join us from as far away as Chile, New Hampshire and California but we have had many locals attend our school as well. Some folks come to us looking to complete Colorado's Minimum Whitewater Requirements so they can begin a career in float guiding, some are looking to learn how to row a boat, many want to simply develop into better anglers and some of the students just want to catch fish all week. We do our best to make sure everyone receives what they are looking for during their week on the water. For some, our school is the first step in their floating career, for some it is the last step in becoming a guide. For most, it is just a plain old good time.
If you want in on the fun, or want to know more, give us a call at the shop (970-262-2878) or drop us an email (