Gettin' Artsy: Jacob Lutz's Artwork for the Fly Fishing Film Tour
For artist Jacob Lutz, there is nothing better than catching a fish and recreating said fish on canvas. As our in-house artist, we were beyond excited to hear he was chosen to create the artwork for the entire 2022 Fly Fishing Film Tour. We knew he would kill it and are proud to boast about his skills. A lot of Jacob's inspiration stems from family fishing trips for Spanish Mackerel, chasing trout and pike with the Cutthroat Anglers crew, and photos of fish him and his friends have caught over the years. Be sure to get your tickets for this year’s Fly Fishing Film Tour in Breckenridge on March 18th.
Buy Your F3T Tickets Here!
I'll let Jacob's work speak for itself. Scroll to see a bit of his process for this year’s F3T art...
The Final Product.