September in Photos

We love the #cutthroatanglers, #cutthroatcatch, and #fishcolorado  social media tags and are happy to share a

September recap with you all.  Enjoy and keep on tagging us!


Adam Morgan and client Larry Fondrick with a nice Colorado River bow.

The 10 man bachelor party taking it all in. 

They even let the groom fish in front all day.  

Successful photo shoot with Doug Hensel.  Adam Morgan holding a beauty.

Scott Terry holding a beautiful Colorado River brown trout.  

Suns out guns out.

This is what a mature 23 inch male brown trout looks like.  Nice work Reed. 

Luke Tanner rocking the Cutthroat Anglers hat on a recent trip to Michigan.

Thats not a trout..  

A plump little bow captured by Doug Hensel.  That drip though..

Jimi Omori saying hello to the locals.

Matt Weiler enjoying a Guide's day off with Anna Mattingly.

Night time stone flies from Reed Ryan.


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