Small Water, Big Dries

There are very few things in the world of fly fishing that beat throwing dry flies to eager fish in small water.  Better yet, on a river with no other anglers.  We spent an afternoon scouting some of our private water access on the Upper Arkansas.  This 1 mile stretch of water had more than a few fish and 100% solitude.  Not to mention, a few big mountains here and there…


Reed Ryan casting to a rising fish at the foot of Mount Massive (14,429 feet)


Within minutes of arriving, fish began inhaling any dry fly we threw at them. 

The Chubby Chernobyl getting it done..



Sioux kept us company and made sure our casts were pure and mends were clean. 

Reed working a nice run.


The brown trout were beautiful.  As is the Simms Dry Creek Hip Pack 


Reed and I alternated at each riffle.  2-3 casts usually got the job done. 

The Simms Solarflex Armor Shirt kept me cool and protected from the sun.





The Rising Brookie Net was the perfect tool to keep em wet


We recommend a good beer break at the truck after a great day on the water..


Contact us if you are interested in fishing this private stretch on

the Upper Arkansas River! 


Author: Ben McCormick 

Photographer: Doug Hensel 

Anglers:  Reed Ryan and Ben McCormick 


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