Tips to Shooting Better Fishing Ponds
There’s a lot of great information on shooting better photos but we thought we would compile our favorite tips for the average angler on how to take better fishing pictures.
Before you even snap a shot there are a few things that will not only help produce a quality fishing picture but also protect your subject from harm. Bring a net. A net makes things easier for you and the fish. When preparing to pose with your trophy catch keep the fish in the water until it’s time to hold him up for the shot. Make sure your hands are wet before touching fish. Dry hands can rip off scales essential to a healthy fish. Kneeling down minimizes the amount of time a fish is out of the water.
When it’s time to take the shot you will want to pose with the fish facing the sun. The photographer should always have the sun behind them or to the side of him. A fill flash or a quick edit job can help decrease harsh shadows on the anglers face.
To hold a fish properly slide one hand on the bottom of the fish right behind the two bottom pectoral fins. Just use your fingertips to hold the fish and spread out its pectoral fins to maximize the size of the fish. With your other hand just lightly pinch the tail so you’re not blocking any of the fish’s colors or patterns. Never tightly hold a fish especially behind the pectoral fins due to vital organs being in this area. Hold the fish perpendicular to the camera so it’s length is properly displayed.
Hold it up but make sure you don’t cover your face. Taking off sunglasses to see your eyes makes for better portraits. Scenery can be just as important to the story behind the fish so a medium to wide angle is ideal for a good photo. If shooting close-ups of bugs or fish details a good zoom or macro lens helps to produce great images.
Remember, the last thing you want to do is keep the fish out of the water long enough to hurt it. But if handled properly, the fish will always survive and you’ll have the proof to show your friends and family for years to come.