Tying Salt Patterns with Fulling Mill "Leggy Shrimp Brushes"

We have been getting quite a few new tying materials in from FullingMill, and we are especially excited about their Salty Craft Fur, Leggy Shrimp Brushes!  The extra long fibers in the Salty Craft Fur make it easy to achieve your desired length on tails, claws, antennas, or whatever salty feature you are trying to emulate.  In this Ghost Shrimp pattern Jacob used both grey, and white craft fur to create the front legs and claws that protrude forward, as a shrimp shoots backward to evade would be predators.  The Leggy Shrimp Brush, which features micro flash, synthetic fibers, and micro flex-floss, all twisted into one, was used to quickly build the main body of this pattern.  These brushes really speed up the tying process as you only need to tie in the wire core of the brush and wrap it, instead of tying in several different materials, and creating dubbing loops.  The rest of the materials used are all available from our tying wall here at Cutthroat Anglers as well, as we are beefing up our "salty" material options thoughout the winter!


Materials Used:

Hook: Gamakatsu SL12S  size 1/0

Weight: Hareline Dubbin Plain Lead Dumbell Eyes Extra Small

Eyes: Easy Shrimp Eyes Medium Azur Blue

Antennas/legs: FullingMill Salty Craft Fur, Grey and White 

Body: Hareline Dubbin Artic Fox Hair(White and Grey)/ FullingMill Leggy Shrimp Brush Short(Ghost)



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